

的 Golden State is an ideal place to play this fast-growing paddle sport whether you are a newbie or savvy veteran

的re’s no question about it: Pickleball is booming across the nation, it has become particularly popular in California thanks in large part to the state’s exceptional weather. 全国有超过3600万人参与了这项运动, 截至发稿时,加州有近3个,600年法院, 使其成为美国拥有最多法院的州. You can find pickleball courts and games nearly every day of the week, everywhere from 圣地亚哥 to 旧金山 及以后. Pickleball is also a fantastic way to meet new people, even if you're on vacation for a few days. This applies whether you're in your 60s or in the growing group of younger people under 24 years old who have picked up the sport.

Everyone from Ellen DeGeneres to LeBron James have caught the bug, 这种消遣方式显然很流行. 甚至出现了匹克球大会. Whether you’re looking f或者是 opportunity to practice your drop shot or cross-court dink, 与其他匹克球爱好者联系, or compete in some of the most beautiful locations in the country, 在加州打匹克球是正确的选择.


匹克球的规则是由 美国Pickleball, national governing body in the sport, 和y are the same no matter where you play. Pickleball is a paddle sport that blends other sports like tennis, 羽毛球, 把乒乓球变成一个充满乐趣的项目. It's played on smaller courts that are the same size as a doubles 羽毛球 court (20x44 feet), it was originally invented on Bainbridge Island near Seattle in the 1960s.

Pickleball was started by three dads whose bored kids prompted the creation of the sport. 的 game was reportedly named after their dog Pickle who liked to chase the ball, though there are conflicting stories about why the game is called pickleball. 第一届已知的匹克球锦标赛于1976年举行, 到1990年,这项运动在所有50个州都开展了. 匹克球的真正繁荣直到2019年才出现, in 2020 it became a pandemic phenomenon that exploded in popularity.

玩匹克球所需的器材很简单:一支匹克球拍, 匹克球(一种塑料, whiffle-type球), 净, 还有一个玩耍的地方. Some locations offer tennis courts that have been divided into smaller pickleball courts, while other places have built completely new facilities to accommodate the tremendous boom in the sport. 甚至还有全国性的、专业级别的比赛 美国Pickleball.


匹克球的规则很简单,无论是单打还是双打,都是一样的. 玩家使用实心球拍击打小球, 球网上有孔的球, points are scored when someone fails to return the ball legally (if it hits the net 或者是 ball is hit out of bounds) or commits a fault. 比赛以一个低手发球开始, one player hits the ball diagonally to the opposite service court.

公共法庭要求你带上自己的网和装备, 而俱乐部和豪华场所提供所有你需要的设备. 大多数地方都需要预约或预订, which allows you to get in on a scheduled game at a public location. 例如, if you're a solo player looking to get in on a local game at a public court, 你可以去 Pickleheads, 哪个是由 体育健身行业协会, create an account, find a schedule of games and courts near you. 你也可以用 全球匹克球网络 寻找地点并与其他匹克球迷联系.


California is a great place to be a pickleball player thanks to its relatively mild year-round climate 和 wealth of public green spaces, 度假村, hotels that have courts (和 fact that many of them are close to the Pacific Ocean doesn’t hurt). 许多公园都有匹克球比赛, 以及以下位置, 从南到北排列, 是最好的吗.

圣地亚哥中心 有26个专用匹克球场,还有一个 在硅谷的位置附近的 圣荷西. 如果你往北走 圣地亚哥 需要一个匹克球,请进 , hit up one of the premier pickleball locations in the SoCal area: 的 鲍比·里格斯球拍俱乐部. 它有22个有固定线路的室外球场. 的 克莱尔蒙特俱乐部 in 克莱蒙特 also offers everything from clinics to drop-in games and has eight courts, 专业人士,可以帮助你的游戏, 开放游戏.

In 洛杉矶在美国,你可以在海边玩游戏 南湾网球中心 in 托兰斯那里有17个匹克球场,或者在 圣莫尼卡匹克鲍尔中心, 有四个户外,有灯光的庭院. 你也可以得到 贝弗利山网球中心的私人课程 与好莱坞的新星们亲密接触.

没有匹克球的名单是完整的,没有几个地方在 圣路易斯奥比斯波,根据 InPickleball杂志这里是著名的网上商店, 太平洋Pickleball (该公司没有实体店). InPickleball 建议你去试试 法国的公园城里有七个匹克球场,还有 SLO匹克球俱乐部 提供循环赛风格的比赛.

就在路的尽头 帕索罗伯斯 is a well-known and very well-regarded tennis and pickleball club called the 坦普尔顿网球牧场. With eight lighted courts, nets, amenities, it offers plenty of pickleball options. 非会员只需付一小笔钱就可以进来玩.

有很多打匹克球的好地方 in 大棕榈泉, many of which are located at some of the area’s famous 度假村 or in public parks. 如果你想远离炎热,在室内玩耍, 看看八个专业级别的室内球场 腌制的酒吧 in 棕榈沙漠, where they offer everything you need to up your pickleball game—from clinics and pros to equipment and social events.

In Northern California,re are several great places to play pickleball, including 一生的活动, which has locations and courts as well as lessons and league play in places like Sunnyvale, 库比蒂诺, 旧金山,,而 圣克拉拉, 核桃溪市. 你也可以在旧金山的金门公园 丽莎和道格拉斯戈德曼网球中心 或者在室内球场 美术宫.



California hotels offer some of the best pickleball courts in the state. In 圣地亚哥县,一定要查看匹克球产品在 兰乔瓦伦西亚度假村 & 水疗中心, where they have four courts nestled among orange groves and free access if you’re a guest. 欧姆尼·拉·科斯塔  in 卡尔斯巴德 offers a weekly Pickleball 101 class as well as clinics 开放游戏; 观澜湾度假酒店 主机 圣地亚哥匹克巴尔l events; 和 费尔蒙德玛大酒店 周末有匹克球诊所吗.

In 西好莱坞, 金普顿拉皮尔酒店 has a single pickleball court on the rooftop overlooking the city. 到了周末,它就变成了“迪斯科法院” where you can play, listen to a live DJ, sip cocktails as the sun sets.

在大棕榈泉,有一些很棒的球场 拉昆塔度假村 & 俱乐部棕榈沙漠度假村乡村俱乐部 (通过 陷入困境的网球).

At Alisal牧场 in Solvang, you can pick up a pickleball racket f或者是 first time 或者是 100th and play either in their clinics or schedule a pick-up game.

In 卡梅尔山谷,你可以沉浸在令人惊叹的运动中 卡梅尔山谷牧场, where they have all kinds of weekly and monthly pickleball events that offer options for a range of skill levels–from beginners to experienced players.

再往北, 西尔维拉多度假胜地 in 纳帕谷 offers tennis and pickleball options in a beautiful location, as does Solage in Calistoga. 的 希尔顿逸林酒店 in 索诺玛 just recently replaced a couple of its basketball courts with pickleball courts and offers access, 你也可以在豪华度假村玩 的诡计 或者是 蒙太奇 in claros公司.



