What’s New at California Ski Resorts for Winter 2023–2024

What’s New at California Ski Resorts for Winter 2023–2024


Posted 2 months agoby Ann Marie Brown

Remember last winter? 30多条大气河流在内华达山脉和南加州山脉带来了创纪录的降雪. Ski resorts reported seasonal snowfall totals of 50 to 70 feet, 和 that colossal snowpack lingered long into summer. At Mammoth Mountain从2022年11月到2023年8月初,滑雪者和骑手们在滑雪场上驰骋了整整275天. 在制定计划之前,一定要查看各个度假村的网站, as opening dates will be determined by current snow conditions. 

“去年冬天,加州的度假胜地经历了有记录以来的第二个多雪季节,将近8个.300万名滑雪者和骑手来到了雪道上。 Ski California, a nonprofit industry association. “Skiing 和 snowboarding were incredibly popular, 和 the tremendous snow conditions only added to the experience.”

随着加州滑雪胜地为开业日期做准备,雪迷们希望这种情况能重演. Mammoth Mountain will be first to open on Nov. 10. Although no one knows how much snow will fall this year, bbin游戏官网确实知道,内华达山脉在10月10日的唐纳峰会上迎来了第一场重要的白色降雪——4英寸. 25. 现在是时候掸掸你的装备,购买季票,计划你的滑雪假期了.

雷策尔说,加州的度假村正在安装新的高容量缆车,“为另一个非凡的一年做准备”, remodeling restaurants, upgrading grooming 和 snowmaking equipment, offering new pass options, 和 adding new off-mountain activities like the new Olympic-sized indoor ice rink in Mammoth Lakes.

对于前往帕利塞德斯塔霍的塔霍滑雪者和骑手来说,这个季节有一个很大的变化, 天上的, 北极星, 和 Kirkwood: On weekends 和 holidays, you’ll need to make advance reservations for parking. 许多景点都是免费的,有些还附有价格标签,但都需要预订. On weekdays, you can just drive up 和 park any time.  

“这个新系统并不是要限制度假村的人数. 这更多的是为了分散到达时间,”雷策尔说. “bbin游戏官网正在努力减少89号高速公路等山路上的交通拥堵, 这些道路不是为了应对去年大雪期间周末的交通拥堵而修建的.” 

雷茨尔说,对于游客来说,预订系统有其优势. “再也没有必要在早上8点赶到度假村了. Skiers can show up for a 10 a.m. reservation 和 know they have a reserved parking spot. 这应该可以缓解由于每个人都想在同一时间到达度假村而造成的交通问题.”

At 天上的北极星 California, weekend 和 holiday reservations will be free for cars with four or more occupants; a flat fee of $20 will be required for cars with three or fewer passengers. At Palisades Tahoe, 你可以提前支付一个预留的停车位,以保证你的停车时间——如果你知道你计划哪一天滑雪,这是一个方便的选择. If you’re a last-minute decider, 你可以试试运气,在即将到来的周末之前的周二免费预订. If you strike out, simply wait till the afternoon. 中午12点以后,您不需要在天堂和北极星以及下午1点预订.m. at Palisades Tahoe.


Mammoth Mountain, Mammoth Lakes

California’s highest resort—11,它正在用一个高速的6座电梯取代老化的峡谷快车(16号椅子), which will reduce wait times at Canyon Lodge. Mammoth is also spending $5.5 million to exp和 和 automate its snowmaking system. 不喜欢滑雪的人可以去猛犸溪公园的新溜冰场, L.A. Kings Ice at Mammoth Lakes, 和 a new alpine coaster at Woolly’s Tube Park. The all-ages ride travels through twists, 曲线, 和 straightaways at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour.

Palisades Tahoe, Olympic Valley

In the past two years, 帕利塞德斯塔霍已经在帕利塞德斯和阿尔卑斯草甸的造雪基础设施升级上投资了600多万美元, which means better snow all season. The resort also added five new grooming snowcats, bringing their total to 53, the largest fleet in North America. 三人座的红狗缆车已经被一个高速的六座缆车所取代.

New at California Ski Resorts

北极星 California,特拉基

The Village at 北极星’s new café/bar, 你们, 一个休闲的聚会场所全天供应小吃和饮料,从早上的拿铁咖啡到apr滑雪酒. Also new this season is mobile lift ticket technology on the 我的Epic应用. 通过应用程序, resort guests can store their pass or lift ticket on their phone, put their phone in their pocket, 和 get scanned h和s-free, so they can skip the ticket window 和 head straight to the lifts.

June Mountain六月湖

在这个以家庭为中心的度假胜地,12岁及以下的孩子可以在成人的陪同下免费滑雪和骑行,你会发现两个新的儿童冒险区和一家新的墨西哥餐馆, Slims Cantina, with outdoor seating 和 sweeping views.

天上的, South Lake Tahoe

湖景旅馆将举办一场新的“啤酒和景色”派对,提供食物、音乐和啤酒品尝. Also new this season is mobile lift ticket technology on the 我的Epic应用. Skiers can skip the ticket window 和 head straight to the lifts.

Sierra at Tahoe,  Echo Summit/South Lake Tahoe

At this resort 12 miles west of South Lake Tahoe, 卡尔多大火后的大规模修复工作一直持续到2023年. Skiers can look forward to new trails 和 exp和ed ski terrain, especially in forested areas like East Side 和 Avalanche Bowl.


道奇岭在基地地区安装了一个新的四人椅,将升降机容量增加了30%. Thinking of buying a season pass? The resort is now part of the multi-resort 卡利通过-可以无限制地进入这里和高山,中国峰和熊谷.

Mount Shasta Ski Park, McCloud

Mount Shasta has joined the Powder Alliance, 因此,购买沙斯塔季票的滑雪者可以在美国各地的21个粉末联盟度假村免费滑雪三天.S., 加拿大, 和 New Zeal和.

Big Bear Mountain Resort, Big Bear Lake

南加州最大的滑雪场现在有三座滑雪山,而不是两座。 Snow Valley Ski Resort has joined Snow Summit 和 Bear Mountain, 和 the combined resorts have invested $12 million in upgrades. A two-year renovation is complete at Laybacks Bar其中包括一处面积达1.2万平方英尺的阳光露台,带有火坑和座椅. New snowcats 和 snowmobiles will improve grooming capabilities, 和 new snowmaking equipment means more 和 better snow. Both Snow Valley 和 Snow Summit will offer night skiing.

Mountain High,  Wrightwood

一直是南加州第一个在这个季节开放的度假胜地, Mountain High已经完成了超过100万美元的改进,包括更有效的造雪, two new grooming snowcats, 和 new rental equipment. Night skiing is offered Fri.太阳.

无论你是一个滑雪者或新斜坡,看看 Mountain Safety Guide created by Ski California before your first trip. 该指南是一个全面的工具,教育所有能力和经验水平的下坡滑雪者和骑手关于山上的安全.

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